Democrats’ Scandals Play Into GOP hands
A June 1972 break-in to the Democratic National Committee ... By 1972, when Republican President Richard M. Nixon was running for ... If prosecutors could get their hands on those tapes, they would have proof of the president's guilt. ... dismissed Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox and accepted. Play.... In the short run, the Collins matter isn't likely to affect November's midterm elections. His upstate New York district is strongly Republican.... Three of the state's top Democrats are engulfed in a scandal that has ... They don't want to hand control to the Republican next in line, but they.... Crossing his fingers for luck, Joe Biden meets California voters in Los Angeles ... And all of a sudden, Republicans are talking about Hunter Biden and ... mired in scandal and innuendo a 2020 version of Her Emails that plays ... Trump has tried to spin these two events into some kind of scandal in which.... Axios has obtained a list of Trump administration scandals. ... Trump shakes hands with Idaho senator Mike Crapo. ... have blocked, is meant to warn of what Congress would look into if Democrats win the midterms. ... would actually benefit from a Democratic Congress, giving him a useful foil to play off of.. The college admissions scandal plays into the hands of Democratic ... at all in American politics bring Democrats and Republicans together on.... Mr. Trump was and is trying to generate a scandal to make the Biden family look corrupt. ... And as the Democrats get deeper into the actual voting toward ... You could see this as a logical extension of the Republican strategy in 2004. ... But Mr. Bush, running for re-election that year, kept his hands clean of.... Subscribe to The Atlantic's Politics & Policy Daily, a roundup of ideas and events in ... Donald Trump has been a Republican, then an independent, then a Democrat, then a ... and others, including some of dubious respectability, came into play. ... On the other hand, overreacting to the threat of corruption by stamping out.... When the Democrats were clobbered in the 2016 election, they were ... mostly played nice with his fellow Republicans, as that investigation.... Democrats are wringing their hands, wondering who else might be out there? ... some in the party are holding their breath to see how that plays with ... Poll: Independents Move In Favor Of Impeachment Inquiry; GOP Stays Firmly Against ... would jump in and save the party from the Clinton email scandal.. Democratic legislators in Virginia enjoyed a strong fundraising quarter in early 2019 ... by roughly $700,000 in the first quarter of 2019 despite all the scandals. ... Virginia state House Republicans have $6 million on hand, according ... House Democrats are playing catch up after the Speaker's strong year.... Thomas Dale DeLay is an American author and former politician who served as a member of ... During his first term in Congress, DeLay was appointed to the Republican ... as the GOP sustained a net loss of five seats to Democrats in the House of Representatives. ... List of federal political scandals in the United States.... Virginia's crisis goes from bad to worse as scandals engulf top three Democrats ... misconduct scandals engulfing the state's three leading Democrats. ... The debacle could play into the hands of Republicans in the state.. Republican tactics spark Democratic claims that impeachment trial is ... Washington can hold a President to account -- now and in the future.. On the other hand, we find that demand side factors play a significant ... coverage to Republican (Democratic) scandals, but only when the ... faced by media outlets could affect the level and bias in the coverage of scandals.. Now Republicans are faced with battling emboldened Democrats for control of ... In any case, the money now carries the stain of Bonnen's scandal I don't ... of a role he plans to play in keeping the chamber in GOP hands.
There are two figures in the Republican Party who best represent the state of ... that record and more to keep Sessions's seat in the party's hands. ... us during the Moore scandal, the Republican Party is the political arm of the president. ... changes tilt the playing field even more in the Democratic direction... It played by the rules. ... Political corruption usually trails financial scandals in its wakethe foam is scummy with self-dealingbut it's ... This is why, when some Democrats in the New Jersey legislature proposed to enshrine.... The IRS scandal plays into what people think about Democrats, that ... It would also help if Republicans overplay their hand on investigating.... It is primarily because Trump is indicating that his war on democratic ... in the Washington Post demanding Trump hand over the suppressed ... the politics of the Ukraine scandal will play out differently than the politics of the Russia scandal. The Republican phalanx of support has failed to materialize in its...
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